HI-GRADE #1095-NF is a low solids neutral
pH flux, halide activated for wave soldering through-hole, mixed technology and surface
mount assemblies. HI-GRADE #1095-NF FLUX is biodegradable and cleans readily in water to
low ionic levels while leaving a surface which has a high surface insulation resistance
The activators in HI-GRADE #1095-NF provide
excellent solder wetting on Nickel, Kovar, Alloy 42 and Copper surfaces. It can be used
for wave or drag soldering operations and for component lead and frame tinning. HI-GRADE
#1095-NF has a neutral pH which limits the need for effluent control while easy cleaning
in water eliminates the cost and environmental concerns of solvent cleaning.
HI-GRADE #1095-NF can be applied by foam,
dip, wave or spray fluxing equipment. For best results, use the following guidelines:
- Keep foam head, pot level, or wave height consistent through
appropriate adjustments. Replace flux daily if self-.contained storage system is not
available. Otherwise, replace after every forty (40) hours of operation.
- Adjust the specific gravity to the nominal level of ? 0.01
with the proper Hi-Grade thinner.
- Add fresh flux to maintain the appropriate level.
- Clean fluxing equipment regularly to remove debris, trapped
oil or water. When foam fluxing, clean foaming stone in the proper Hi-Grade thinner
whenever the flux is changed, or as needed.
- Low solids
- High activity level
- Cleans to low ionic levels
- Cleaning can be delayed up to 48 hours
- Excellent foaming properties
- Neutral pH controls the need for pH adjustment of effluent
Physical Properties
Specific Gravity @ 25?
C |
: 0.835 |
: 7.01 |
% Solids
: 12 |
Appearance |
: Clear |
Acid Number
: Neutral |
: Pale Yellow |
: 6.5? 1.0 |
Flash Point
: 68? F TCC |
23 litres or
6 USs gallons per container
209 litres or 55 US gallons per container
Safety And Precautions
All fluxes with low flash points should be
handled with utmost care and precaution. They should stored in a dry, well-ventilated area
and flames, sparks and direct heating should be avoided.